Newsletter 23 – Friday 12th February 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

I hope everyone remains safe and well as we reach the end of half term both in school and at home. It has of course been a very different half term but at least we have had some continuity in this period and have had time to settle into both styles of learning. Overall I think it has gone well and all the pupils have been supported by the staff either face to face in class or remotely. Next week will be a break for all pupils and staff and give  a chance to rest up and get ready for whatever the second half of the term may bring. More about this at the end of the newsletter. We have also experienced a blast of winter this week, not as bad as many other parts of the country but still quite a novelty. Again I have to say a big thank you so far to parents as you have all been very good and supportive in communicating with the school to check the arrangements and inform us of any changes. This makes it so much easier to manage the current situation.


You should all have received a letter on Monday from the joint chairs of the new federated governing body announcing the appointment of Ms Merryl D’Souza as the substantive head of both schools from after the Easter break. She is currently the interim head at the Infant Schools so it should be a smooth transition in April. Personally I am very pleased with the appointment and feel the school will be in good hands moving forward. We have worked closely together over these last few difficult months and will continue to do so after half term. We will hold weekly meetings with the joint chairs each week to put things in place. I will effectively step down at the end of this term but will be available till 30th April to support Ms D’Souza and the governors in any way I can.


We ask that you continue to remain vigilant to any symptoms of Coronavirus within members of your household, even during the half term break. If in doubt, please get yourselves or your child tested.  All Waltham Forest residents are able to get tested even if they are not showing any Coronavirus symptoms, as this will reduce the spread of infection to others. If your child or a member of your family tests positive for Coronavirus, you will need to self-isolate as a family for 10 days and inform the school, even if your child is working at home or school is closed. 

Friday Assembly

Remote Learning Awards:

3H – Lorenzo, Emily and Alexandra

3K – Nehemiah, Jakub and Alina

4P – Ivy, Krischaan and Divine

4RC – Patryk, David and Nicole

5L – Loderya, Shalen and Amber

5O – Lina, Michaela and Rebecca

6PM – Dominik, Sophie and Ezekiel

6C – Lamar, Elijah and Akira

Key Worker/Vulnerable Pupil Awards:

Year 3 – Dijon, Jabari and D’Andre

Year 4 – Etinosa, Michelle and Nadia

Year 5 – Leila, Aisosa and Alex

Year 6 – Samuel, Tyrone and Ella

Group of the Week – Year 5 for their continued commitment to learning this week and the great work they have been doing in class

Online Safety Design a Poster Awards:

Year 3 – Beatrice, Owen and Victor

Year 4 – Naomi, Tyrone and Faith

Year 5 – Joella, Cem and Lily

Year 6 – Destiny, Joshua and Tamara

Virtual Assembly

I did my latest virtual assembly this week and hopefully most of you will be able to catch it at some point. Thank you again for the positive feedback which has come in since last Friday. This week’s Friday Assembly has been shared on-line and went “live” from Friday morning via j2homework. The theme this week was the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes and the story of St Bernadette. I will be doing one of these every week during the current lockdown period.

Chinese New Year

The infant school has kindly shared a link to this free dance workshop that children can take part in at home and school to celebrate Chinese New Year this week on 12th February. See the details below on how to access the workshop.

To access the dance workshop (available from 8th to 15th February) parents need to log onto: dance?utm_source=DDTV&utm_medium=StJosephsCatholicInfantSchool

Password – CNY2021(the password is case sensitive) 

Leyton Orient

Leyton Orient Trust is working in partnership with the English Football League Trust to deliver a national initiative called the “Joy of Moving Winter Games”. Our school could be part of one of the biggest ever national initiatives of its kind this February. The Joy of Moving Winter Games is a pack of fun activities designed to suit the current lockdown restrictions. This is available from this week in a digital format to send to parents by email and use in school as well. I have attached the link to this newsletter.

We know that school will not reopen fully until 8th March at the earliest. The Government will be looking at the data next week and should make an announcement when we return on 22nd February. They have promised to give schools at least 2 weeks’ notice of any re-opening so we should know by 22nd if and when all the children can return to school. I will of course continue to keep you all updated on any developments over the next couple of weeks. Let’s hope we can get everyone back as soon as possible.

Meanwhile I continue to wish all our families the very best during the half term break and hope and pray you all keep safe and look out for each other. School reopens for both remote learning and face to face lessons in school on Monday 22nd February.

Yours sincerely,


J Alexander (Head teacher)

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