Assessment and Targets

National Curriculum Assessment

At the end of Key Stage 2 (Year 6) all children are assessed both by their teacher (Teacher Assessments) and by a series of written tests (SATs) in the core subjects of English (Reading and Writing) and Mathematics. It is expected that the average child nationally will have a standardised score of 100 by the end of Key Stage 2.

You can see the most recent results of these assessments for the children who were in Year 6 in the last academic year on our Parents>Assessments page. You can also compare the results to schools nationally.

The school measures the progress made by all the pupils during their time with us. It is expected that pupils will achieve a standardised score 100.

We also measure the progress of significant groups eg SEN pupils, Free School Meals pupils and all our different ethnic groups.

Pupils in Years 3, 4 and 5 are tested at the end of each Academic year in Reading, Writing and Mathematics and the results of these tests along with the teacher assessments are reported to parents in the summer. These results are used by the school to track the progress of individuals and groups of pupils through the 4 years to ensure they are all making at least expected progress. You can see the most recent results of these assessments year on our Parents>Assessments page.

Target Setting

The Governing Body is required to set and publish targets each year for pupils attainment at the end of Key Stage 2 (i.e at the end of year six). The percentages indicate pupils expected to a standardised score of 100+. Whilst the majority of pupils will make two levels of progress during their time at St. Josephs some pupils will, for a range of reasons, be assessed as making progress at a different rate. In these cases the school will work closely with parents and carers to support learning and if appropriate the child may be monitored on the school SEN register with an individual IEP.

The school’s targets that have been agreed with the School Improvement Partner for children expected to reach or exceed expected progress are on our Parents>Assessments page.