Homework Policy

We have a homework policy which aims to provide a framework for teachers, parents and pupils offering guidance related to the provision of homework opportunities. This has guidance regarding the demands that homework has upon the home and the development of pupils taking responsibility for their own learning.

The purpose of homework is to consolidate and reinforce skills and understanding, with particular reference to literacy and numeracy and to exploit all kinds of resources for learning within the home. We encourage pupils to do all or most of their homework online through the school’s web site. We offer homework clubs for children who do not have direct access to a computer at home. The recommended time allocations are 1.5 hours per week for years 3 and 4 and 2.5 hours per week for years 5 and 6. We also encourage children to carry out research work linked to what they do in class, with many opportunities for learning outside the school boundaries via our MLE.

The year group curriculum is available at the beginning of the school year and is also displayed on the school website.. This enables parents to help support their child by taking them to the library, museums or places of interest that will support their learning.

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