Home School Agreement

Home-School Agreement

Within the community of St Joseph’s, children, teachers, parents and parish live and work together in partnership. The rules and procedures are given in the spirit of God’s love to make the school a safe, orderly and happy working community. They assist pupils by development of self discipline so that at all times pupils strive to behave in a safe, sensible and courteous manner.

The School’s Agreement

  1. The values taught by Jesus Christ are always at the heart of the community.
  2. The school will provide a broad and balanced curriculum, open to all children, who will be supported in their learning according to their needs. Every child will be helped to grow in knowledge, skills, attitudes and understanding.
  3. Racial and cultural diversity will be valued in our school and the partnership between school, home and parish will be developed and celebrated.
  4. The curriculum, relationships, priorities, aims and objectives will demonstrate God’s loving care and consideration for others.
  5. Parents will be entitled to have access to the staff at appropriate times to discuss their child’s progress.
  6. Staff will communicate to parents regularly and especially if there are any concerns to discuss.
  7. Every effort will be made to accommodate each child’s educational needs.
  8. Based upon Christ’s law of respect, we expect every child to be polite and sensible. Persistent behaviour that shows disrespect or aggression will result in withdrawal and may lead to exclusion.

Parental Agreement

As parents accepting a place at St Joseph’s Catholic Junior School we will ensure that she/he grows up practising the Catholic faith.

  1. Our family will continue to play our part within the parish community.
  2. Our son/daughter is aware of the need to observe the school rules.
  3. We will ensure that our daughter/son wears the correct school uniform and leaves jewellery at home.
  4. We will ensure that all items of clothing are marked with our child’s name.
  5. When our child is absent from school we will write a note giving the reason for the absence.
  6. We will make every effort to ensure that our child is punctual and attends school regularly.
  7. We will help our child to complete any homework task that is set.
  8. We intend, to the best of our ability, to support the social and fund-raising activities of the Friends of St Joseph’s Association.
  9. We understand how important it is to provide a contact number for emergencies and will notify the school of any changes that to that contact number.
  10. We will make every effort to attend parental meetings and open evenings.
  11. We understand that late nights and lack of sleep will hamper our child’s progress and will see that he/she is in bed at a reasonable time.
  12. We know that unsupervised television viewing can be very damaging to our child’s emotional development and we undertake the task of monitoring this
  13. We understand that the cost of external maintenance and repairs has to be met from the Governor’s Fund and understand that the school is obliged to seek contributions from parents.
  14. If there are any problems in school we will support joint action with the school and work together to overcome these difficulties.
  15. In the event of wilful damage or the loss of any school property, we will make sure that it is replaced or repaired.

We are committed to our child’s education at St Joseph’s and will do all that we can to ensure it is a worthwhile experience.