
School Budget Share

The main source of funding comes from the LEA along with a direct fund from the government. In addition to this we have the following funds.

Governor’s Fund

As a voluntary aided school we are responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the exterior of the buildings and 10% of all expenditure has to be paid by the school/parish. To meet some of these costs we have a Governor’s Fund to which all families are asked to contribute.

School Fund

During the year there is a number of fund raising events, e.g. school photographs, book fairs, etc, which generate income. This is deposited in our School Fund Account. This fund used to purchase miscellaneous extras, e.g. tapes, batteries, craft work material.

Friends of St Joseph’s Association

All parents are automatically members of this association, which helps to develop close contact between school and parents as it organises both social and fund raising activities.

The association meets on a monthly basis and holds its Annual Meeting during September each year. It welcomes all parents or friends who are willing to become involved with helping the school. The school is extremely grateful to the association members who do so much work for the school.

Charging and Remissions Policy

Under the terms of the Education Reform Act 1988, each Local Authority and Governing Body must draw up and keep under review its own Charging and Remissions Policy. From time to time you will be asked to make a voluntary contribution towards the cost of school trips.