Sport Premium

As in previous years the Government is providing Sport Premium Funding to primary schools for 2020/21. The funding is ring-fenced for improving the provision for physical education and sport for our pupils.

Total number of pupils 185

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How do we intend to spend this money in 2013/14?

Quality Assured Professional Development Support

  • £650 will go to Waltham Forest Southern School Sport group. They provide a range of competitions within the borough and a number of external training courses to run over the next few years. In addition to this training in school is also available when required.

Specialist Qualified Sports Coaches

  • A qualified sports coach from The Elms Coaching Sports in School coaches year 6 pupils for 2hours in school time and 1hour after school at £40 per hour.
  • Eliviner Coaching Services teaches a year 4 class for 1 hour’s basketball at £30 per hour.
  • A Chingford rugby coach teaches tag rugby to 2 year 5 classes per week at £25 per hour.
  • Inset for all members of staff in the New Year: gymnastic coach for 1 hour at £45 per hour.
  • A further inset will take place in the summer term to instruct teachers on how to use the wall bars safely and pass this knowledge to pupils.
  • Multiskills from The Elms Coaching Sports for 2 hours at £40 per hour.

Additional Sport/Physical Activities

£621 has been spent on equipment to enhance the range of PE opportunities future competitions. Further monies will be spent on new mats for gymnastics and other equipment as required, such as football, netballs and tennis balls.
£600 was spent repairing the wall bars in the P.E. hall.


To increase participation in competitive and non competitive sport and to ensure all pupils can participate in an inter sporting activity we now use the Community Transport minibus to take pupils to various activities which they otherwise not be able to attend.
This costs £55 yearly membership,
£22 for a 4 hour trip,
£13 per hour for driver,
£7.50 for fuel and wear and tear:

It is estimated that based 12 trips per year will cost £1638.