Governing Body

The Governing Body of The Federated Schools of St Joseph’s Catholic Infants and St Joseph’s Catholic Juniors 2022

The Role of the Governing Body

A school’s governing body is a corporate body. This means it has a legal duties, powers and responsibilities. Governors can only act together, they cannot act individually. The governing body is responsible for the conduct of its school, and must promote high standards of educational achievement at the school. It is the school’s accountable body and as such:

  • helps the school to set high standards by planning for the school’s future and setting targets for school improvement
  • is involved in the school improvement
  • is  a critical friend to the school, offering support and advice
  • helps the school respond to the needs of parents and the community
  • makes the school accountable to the public for what it does
  • works with the school on planning, developing policies and keeping the school under review
  • exercises its responsibilities and powers in partnership with the Head teacher and staff
Governor Category Appointed by Term of Office
Mrs Nicola Brunton(Chair ) Foundation Diocese 01/01/21 – 31/12/24
Father Gerry Ezekwere (Parish Priest) Foundation Diocese 01/01/21- 31/12/24
Ms Anna Maga Foundation Diocese 21/02/2022-21/02/26
Ms Vernessa Dornelly Foundation Diocese 09/03/2022-08/03/26
Mr Christian Ocloo (Co-Vice Chair ) LA LA 14/01/21 – 13/01/25
Ms Linda Forbes Parent elected by parents 01/01/21 – 31/12/24
Ms Ewa Dolega Parent elected by parents 21/02/2022-20/02/26
Ms Maria Carmody Staff elected by staff 07/01/21 – 06/01/25
Mrs Merryl D’Souza Head teacher Automatically serves For term as head teacher

There are currently 4 vacancies on the Governing Body:

1 parent governor

1 cop opted governor

2 foundation governors.

As well as serving on the full Governing Body, all governors serve on the 2 committees for Children and Learning and Finance and Resources. These committees meet each term and make recommendations to the full Governing Body. All governors have full voting rights on these committees. Other committees to deal with areas such as pay, disciplinary, grievances or parental complaints are formed from at least 3 governors when required. The head teacher would not normally be part of any such committees but can be asked to advise on matters if required.

All governors have to declare relevant business interest, details of other educational establishments that they govern or any relationships between themselves and members of the school.

Governing Body Committee Details

Declarations of Interest
